Paper Cup(machine) industry driven

The main raw material of paper cup is paper, while the original material of paper is tree and bamboo. Many people can not help but argue that if the large-scale development of paper cup manufacturing will result in a large amount of consumption of wood, and will result in a waste of related resources, it will also destroy the ecological environment to a great extent. This kind of thought is understandable, may be out of the thought of some cases of wanton destruction of forest resources, leaving a lot of bad impression, however, today’s deforestation has been effectively curbed under the strict policies and regulations of the state. At present, all the timber raw materials we use are reasonably planned regenerated forests that can be felled, the utility model is an economic forest tree which can be reasonably utilized. Therefore, the paper cup manufacturing industry will only drive the development of related industries, as long as reasonable control, there will not be the phenomenon of wanton destruction of the ecological environment that people are worried about. Paper Cups led the first development industry is the paper industry, because the main material of paper cups is paper. Although the current use of trees in the planning stage, but to improve the high utilization of wood in papermaking and find alternatives to paper is also the subject of continuous research. People’s attention to the ecological environment, but also to promote people’s paper furniture recycling research.

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Another raw material of the paper cup is the domestic coated paper, imported PLA coated paper, imported PE coated paper. PE coating is the coating machine (laminating machine) on the paper with a layer of PE (polyethylene) film Polylactic acid fiber is a completely biodegradable synthetic fiber which can be obtained from grains. The waste products can be decomposed into carbon dioxide and water by microorganisms in soil or sea water. When it is burned, it will not give off poisonous gas and cause other pollution. There is one hydroxyl and one carboxyl group in a single lactic acid molecule, many lactic acid molecules together,-OH with other molecules-COOH dehydration condensation,-COOH with other molecules-OH dehydration condensation, the polymer they form is called polylactic acid. Polylactic acid also known as polylactide belongs to the polyester family. Polylactic acid (PLA) is a kind of polymer material which can be obtained by the polymerization of lactic acid. In view of the special requirements of high environmental protection and high hygiene of paper cups, it is bound to further promote the development of PLA and PE technology to a higher direction. The quality of food itself needs attention, but so does the quality of utensils used for food and drink.Paper Cup(machine)2(1)

Post time: May-19-2023