What do you need to know about an automatic paper bowl machine?

Automatic Paper Bowl machine is now widely used in the market, because of its paper materials than plastic more environmental protection, so in the growing attention to environmental protection today, the paper bowl market is also slowly expanding, so automatic paper bowl machine this efficient, easy to operate the machine by the public’s favorite. Automatic Paper Bowl machine is a machine used to make paper bowl, not only can produce disposable paper bowl, but also can produce plastic paper bowl, such as instant paper bowl, Plastic Bowl, milk tea cup and so on. Paper Bowl machine process simple and easy to operate, and high efficiency. Although the paper bowl machine to the mall to deal with the convenience of the question, but many people are on the paper bowl of the safety of doubt. For fully automatic paper bowl machine make it melt to cover the inner surface of barrel body, then cut off all power. When necessary, the machine can make spray paint, dry with plastic paper cover, place dry place preservation. Remove and clean all rolling bearings, and add new grease, calcium-sodium base grease can be used. Check whether the stove smoke leakage, if found smoke leakage, should be drum smoke ring, stove and chimney for inspection, found that damage should be timely repair and replacement. Electric heating machine type should check whether the electric heating pipe is damaged, damaged should be replaced. Clean all the dirt on the friction surface, especially the chain and sprocket to be cleaned, re-fill the oil. Paper Bowl machine we know is mainly used for paper bowl sealing packaging, can work alone, can also be used with assembly line equipment, it can work alone, can also be used with other paper bowl machine, labeling machine, Baling machine, pallet stacker, conveyor and other packaging equipment for packaging assembly line equipment, packaging assembly line is one of the necessary equipment.

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Post time: Oct-24-2022